
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Breaking News--Wolf Tracks Confirmed!

Breaking news today, March 23rd from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the United States Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services Division: Wolves have been confirmed in Cheyboygan County. In early February the DNRE requested citizens provide wolf observations to detect the presence of wolves in the northern lower peninsula. (Wolves began returning to the UP via Canada and Wisconsin in  the early 1990's and the first lower penninsula wolf was confirmed in Presque Isle County in 2004 when it was accidentally killed.)  It's looking like our penninsula now has a pack. According to the DNRE, "First spotted by area residents, the state and federal officials were about to confirm at least two wolves in one location; however, the landowner who made the report stated he has seen three seperate sets of tracks. This is the first official verification of multiple animals together in what may be described as a pack (in the lower peninsula.) " The DNRE is asking the public to report additional wolf sightings to the Gaylord Operations Service Center at 989-732-3541 ext 5901.  Wolf identification information and an on-line reporting form can be found at   Wolves know a good thing when they see,or smell one and our "Pure Michigan" is now wolf country, on both sides of the big bridge.  And contrary to some hunters who believe they will 'eat all their deer' wolves keep the wild in deer as nature intended.


  1. I thought the article was very interesting, i can't believe that this is going on and can't wait to read a follow up article. I enjoy this writer and his way of writing.
