
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kensington Metropark - Spring's Pounding On Her Door!

The Vernal Equinox is still a few weeks away but on my recent camera-totting visit to the nature trails of Kensington facts on the ground spoke loudly: Spring is not gently, tentativly, tapping at the door; she's pounding on it! Chickadees are in spring song. Tom turkeys strut their stuff. Purplish green skunk cabbage is pushing up in the icy marsh. And visitors, they are smiling, happy and full of energy. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, a German philospher/scientist penned in the late 1700's, "Wherever a man happen to turn, whatever a man may undertake, he will always end up by returning to the path which nature has marked out for him."  Explore Kensinton and no matter what path you undertake a world of nature discovery awaits.  And for a first time visitor I suggest a visit to their nature center. Their interpreters (Interpreters are park naturalists, but interperters are the title used by Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority) may share the secrets of feeding birds from your hand; a popular trailside pastime as a human acclimated tufted titmouse in one photo shows. Explore the website before you go for a wealth of information on Kensington and all 13 Metroparks.   And let me know when the sandhill cranes return to their nature wonderland of Kensington. They are winging north!

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