
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day Week From the Barn Roof

Earth Day week and the living is easy for the magnificant turkey vultures that patrol the skies of Oakland County. Putrid possum, squished skunk and rancid raccoon are but three of the roadside delights of flattened flesh that have lured these soaring birds to our landscape.  And what better way for them to start their day of fiue dining than perched on a hot metal roof as they wait for morning thermals to ease their artistic flight.  Others have taken to ledges of Troy highrises and dead trees on country roadises.One of these vultures has now adopted my barn roof as his own abode-his morning eye on the world.  And that's just fine with me, for as they are adapting to our ways they do a clean up job on rural highway roadkill that is first rate.


  1. On another subject, have you been to Dodge Park on Cass Lake in Waterford recently? Large swaths of it have been clear cut. Rumor has it that park management has an agreement with the sheriff's office corrections department, so that people who have community service sentences can come to the park and work it off. So, dozens of trees and bushes have been leveled. Now, the deer/fox/coyotes don't have anywhere to hide, because they can be seen from anywhere in the park! Help!

  2. Have not been there recently but will late on this spring.
    Nothing sneaky about work programs for prisoners and CS workers, but I can assure you they are not cutting just to make work--they work on projects that are planned out by the involved parks--not the sherrifs department. And I do not know for a fact that community service workers are being used there. Rumor is the key word here.
