
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vote on August 3rd: Oakland County Parks Are Your Parks!

These images are from Lyon Oaks County Park, one of the 13 parks managed by Oakland County Parks and Recreation - our county managed parks that promote community connections, family relationships, environmental stewardship, good health and endless outdoor recreation opportunities.  These 13 parks have 68 miles of trails with public access and diverse habitats that support both common and rare wildlife and flora. On August 3rd you are being asked to vote on the renewal of the 10 year millage of .2145 for the purpose of operating, maintaining, improving and acquring parks and recreation and facilities in Oakland County.  If your home is valued at $175,000, the homeowner pays about $21/year to support Oakland County Parks and Recreation: which in turn supports you and your life style. The accomplishments of our park system are numerous and the values they present to you are as diverse as the parks. A great nature center with year round education programs, off-leash dog parks, paved bike trails, rugged backwoods hiking trails, a greenhouse operation, equestrian and ski trails, campsites and cabin camping,  kids summer camp progams, golf courses, cricket and soccer fields, ponds, lakes, marshes and streams, fishing, boating, waterpark facilites,  universally accessible playgrounds, walking trails, picnic areas and perhaps best of all - - easy access to a lst rate family friendly park system with something for everyone! Projects planned for the next ten years include acqusition of additional parklands for preservation for future generations, broadend natural resources stewardship programs, a continuation of collaborative recreation planning assistance for local communities, upgrades of facilities and parks infrastructure and an expansion of our trail systems. $21 -less than a dinner for two- goes a long ways. I urge you to vote and vote YES.

1 comment:

  1. This vote for the Parks is a no brainer. If you enjoy any open spaces at all without all the concrete and noise you are at peace in the outdoors. You only have to visit one of the Oakland County parks to realize how bad it would be to not have them maintained and patroled by the sheriff dept.
