
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pleasures of Wood Heat

Up until last week when it was time for me to scribble thoughts and words for this blog, the hiking column or other projects with a pen I would retreat to my rustic outside arbor and let my mind race, or sometimes drift ever so slowly into "writing mood". No more. Just too many chilly rain drops. And wet snow flakes and  hail pellets are not good for paper or laptops. And the real snows are about to come.  If I was to sit outside and write now the squirrels and chickadees and sunflower seed-fanatic nuthatch might think me odd. And the one neighbor that is close enough to see my house would know I am.  And so with this blog I have retreated to the favorite corner of my house, the corner with the wood stove. The corner with a view of the meadow beneath my hill and a bird feeder attached to the window. And there is something soothing about the feel of dry heat from a wood fire, the sweet smell of wood smoke and the simmer of coffee that fuels the spirit. The pleasures of wood heat  far outweigh the quick convenience of adjusting a thermostat. And with four face cords of oak and ash stacked outside, even  my  very poor math ability tells me I have enough wood to set the mood for all writing projects - if I allow 3 split logs per project-  until the first drip of maple sap in tin buckets signal spring.


  1. Great article - I wouldn't mind some rain and snow by me, instead of the 90 degrees in the middle of November, but it was fun swimmimg in a lake this time of year...

  2. I love the smell of wood smoke myself and to hear the crackle of flames on wood logs is a real soothing effect on jangled nerves. Love your stove....

  3. Now, if you were a hunter, you could position you chair right next to that stove and you'd have a clear shot to the meadow.

  4. Nothing like a warm, crackling fire on a cold winter's day!

  5. I heated my house every winter for over a decade. I will always remember the smell, the warmth, and also - a VERY low heating bill. LOL Your article reminds me of another where a father in the city put a small pile of leaves in his driveway and lite them up with his kids around. When a neighbor asked him what he was doing this for here in the city, he told him that he had grown up in the country, and wanted to share the memories and smells of this time of years with his children, for they have never smelt burning leaves. We each hold treasures that no one else can feel, and you have just showed us one of yours. Great job Mr Schechter and thank you.

  6. I love your stove set-up. Ours just sits on bricks and looks a little lonely and stark until it's all lit up; then, the warm glow gives our living room such a comfortable feeling. We love our stove.

    Talking with a friend's parents after we bought the house, she leaned her head on her husband's shoulder, looked me in the eyes and said: "I still miss those days when life was simple and we spent our evenings sitting by the wood stove. Treasure these years."
