Saturday, May 21, 2011

MORELS: The gathering, the feast. And the thanks!

The rains have ended and the time for the Great Harvest of 2011 - the harvest of the morels - is now. And  as I walked to my small known patch of morels, I spotted one more poking its pitted head through a lacing of faded and fallen blossoms from my old front yard apple tree.
                      A close up of that  perfectly formed morel in my front yard.
                                                 The best of the best!
Breakfast: Harvest, and then an omlette with fresh eggs from a neighbor's chickens, onions from my garden, and morels from nature. Darn good reason to live in the countryside of Brandon Township and not drown the lawn in chemicals. Let the feast of nature begin! (And while some fret that the rains of the past five days followed by today's sunshine and warmth will bring a crop of blood-hungry mosquitos, I know it accelerates the growth of sweet and tasty wild strawberries down in my meadow.)
                                                      photos by Jonathan Schechter
                                                                                     May 20/2011


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