
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Holly State Recreation Area: a hike into the night photo supplement.

all photos by Jonathan Schechter

Holly State Recreation Area  (HSRA) is an 8,000 acre wildland, rich in primitive trails and 
wildlife. The site is a unit of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources located 
 in  Groveland Township east of Holly and west of Ortonville.
These photos are a supplement to the Oakland Outdoors hiking column on a night hike at
HSRA published in the  Sunday, September 18 edition of The Oakland Press  

Frogs are king on the lakeshores and in the wetlands of HSRA.
Lily pad is a great perch for a bug-hungry bullfrog---
and  small bugs and a brilliant yellow jacket.
A gentle breeze made for perfect sailing and hot air ballooning.
Don't eat the oddly named "Chicken of the Woods" so named because when cooked the flesh of the mushroom
resembles chicken. Eat it and you are likley to vomit. It is also called Sulpher Shelf. 
Regardless of the name the fungi of September add color to the trails!

Narrow trails are rich with targets for camera toting hikers.
Milkweed pods are draws for the curious--and the monarch butterfly.
a moment of quiet contemplation
Trail side jewelweed (spotted-touch-me-not) is at its peak color and beauty.
Hikers debate the gender of a grasshopper in Natualist Dan  Farmer's right hand!
And I munch on some tart but tasty autumn olive berries as darkness descends.
the moon rises---------
---and adds magic to the woods as a barred owl calls in the distance.
A raccoon splashed away into the night shadows of small creek  before I could click---
--as a trio of trail hikers stumbled over a log and which way to go (Don't tear her in half!).
And then it was time for the grand hot dog feast under a starry late summer night.


  1. Excellent story path of the events of the day. :)

  2. This sounds like so much fun. Will keep an eye on your blog and the Hiking Michigan website so I can join i on this next time.

  3. Wonderful capture of a wonderful evening!!! Looks like it was a good time for those who attended. :)

  4. Great shots to capture the evening. Love the Moon shots. It is definately time to get rid of my existing camera. Glad you came out to the Hike. Enjoyed your company.

  5. A splendid story in pictures of the night hike at Holly State Recreation Area. I wish I could have joined you and Robert on the trails.

  6. The pictures are beautiful and itlooks like so much fun - wish I could have been there too!
