Friday, October 7, 2011

A Blast of Winter's Beautiful Fury!

Drummond Island, Michigan
photo by Jonathan Schechter

The temperature is set to soar to eighty degrees this second weekend of October creating a perfect opportunity to prepare for winter's beautiful fury of blankets of white powder.
And that season shall come.

Today is a pefect day to harvest and husk my black walnuts.
A pefect day to cut downed wood for the wood stove.
A perfect day to sit in my woods and watch chipmunks scurry.
A perfect day to listen to crickets.
A perfect day for witnessing leopard frogs in moist meadows.
And a perfect day for being just a bit lazy in the great outdoors bearing witness to the reminders
that late sunrises and early sunsets tell of a a season that has changed.
This moment of gloroius warmth will be as fleeting as a tossed stone skipping across a quiet bay----
and then sinking.


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