
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Snow: a new season begins

Red squirrel with black walnut
all photos by Jonathan Schechter
November 30, 2011

Dawn was silent except for the muffled sound of heavy wet snow falling from tree limbs.
A perfect start for winter even though the calender says not yet. A quick walk about my woods
 and meadows revealed abundent tracks of wildlife: deer, rabbits and mice most obvious. At the
edge of the meadow a single file pattern of tracks told of a fox that went on his, or perhaps her
 first snowy meadow mouse hunt. And barely 100 feet from my door a red squirrel gnawed on
a black walnut, one of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of nuts I did not gather for myself. 
 The snow also reminds me it is time to put away the hammock, time to pull in my wooden
'meadow observation chair' and time to dream of cross country skiing and winter adventures. 


  1. Amazing pictures! Each one seems to tell its own story about the first snowfall of the year.

  2. Beautiful way to greet the day .. anyone for some cross country skiing??
    sure looks inviting .. lucky squirrel!

  3. Beautiful photos and meditation on the seasons.

  4. I find myself very jealous of that chair!

    Downside? The chair and the view make me wish for a warm spring day (like mid-May). Sigh . . . .
