Monday, November 28, 2011

Tale of two herons in the last days of November

Great blue heron sunbathing at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
(late Novemeber ) photo by Duane Corsi

Wild creatures are always adapting. These photos of two great blue  herons, one in South Carolina
and one in Michigan add visual power to the life style variations  of these widespread wading birds. Their body language says it all. Duane's great blue heron (above) is relaxed at the edge of a waterway, perhaps wating for a frog or a fish.
If a heron can enjoy warm sunlight and just take in the scenery and reflect on the moment - and
I think they can "enjoy"- perhaps that is all it is doing. And that is human like behavior.

The huddled in the cattail marsh great blue heron of Ulanawa (below) may be waiting for a late
season frog or a fish at Lake Erie Metropark in SE Michigan.  But he  does not have that relaxed
pose of the southern sun-soakers. This  heron may be content in the cold marsh habitat, at least
until ice covers the hunting grounds,  but the question remains: Why stay this late?
Why when the living is easy in the south and winter is at our doorstep do some herons loiter till
 the last moment to fly. Perhaps the answer is not for us to understand, or perhaps it is just
evolution: survival of the fittest and exploring options; for migration too has risks. 
Or perhaps it is just they want to stay. Birds and humans both make choices.
When vacation time slips my way and wanderlust fever  hits I tend to head for the mountains of
North Carolina or the lakeshore dunes of Sleeping Bear or other  isolated spot of natural beauty. 
And I tend to camp, while others dream of a 5-star hotel or luxury liner cruise.

Great blue heron in chilly cattail marsh of Lake Erie Metropark, Michigan
photo by Ulanawa Foote (Late November)


Anonymous Sakoieta said...

Good story, Jonathan. I guess that’s also why some people choose to live where winter snows are deep and the weather is freezing while others live where the winters are mild and weather is warm. LOL

November 28, 2011 at 7:23 AM 
Anonymous Duane Corsi said...

Gorgeous picture Ulanawa.

November 28, 2011 at 8:59 PM 

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