
Friday, April 20, 2012

Call of the swamp: Congaree National Park!

All photos by Jonathan Schechter
These images accompany the Oakland Press column that will appear in the Sunday, April 22nd edition of Earth Day and profile Congaree National Park, a wilderness area in South Carolina that is part forest, part floodplain and part river.

exploring the base of a giant bald cypress tree

Barred owls are very much at home in the great swamp

"Come see the big woodpecker!"  
Note the pileated high above in the tree.

A slightly blurry close up of the same pileated woodpecker

One of the many large loblolly pines of Congaree

High winds and storms make for a need of boardwalk repairs.

Cedar Creek is used by adventuresome kayakers and canoeists. 

A clever way to update visitors on the mosquito conditions!

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