
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Rose Oaks County Park: A walk on the wild side.

all photos by Jonathan Schechter, Rose Oaks County Park,
March 31, 2012

These photos supplement my Oakland Outdoors hiking column appearing in the April  8th edition  of The Oakland Press that profiles the trails and diverse wildlife of Rose Oaks County Park, a 640 acre park managed by Oakland County Parks. The moment I arrived at the park entrance the action began as a pair of Tom turkeys kicked and flapped and fought for the favors of a hen just a few feet inside the park perimeter fence. They are wild turkeys, free to come and go as they please. Read the trail tale in the print edition (or on line on Sunday morning) for more details on the turkey encounter.

The toms circle each other and posture to show their size
A well aimed kick of a leg spur can be a significant factor in victor determination
A beaver dam has raised the water level of Richardson Lake

Tent caterpillars on young black cherry trees.

Red buds(the trees name) adds visual treat to the woodlands.

Moss and algae have painted turkey tail fungi on a downed log green.

Warm, fresh and slick coyote scat (hair and bone evident) tells me these apex predators are not going hungry.

 Rue anemone carpet the oak woods along the trail
A sandhill crane trumpets and disappears where the marsh meets the meadow and woodlands

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great photo's. Rose Oaks is a great place to explore as I used to do it as a boy. We owned most of what is now the park fifty years ago. The fish in the lake are monsters with bluegills as large as a dinner plate.
