
Friday, August 3, 2012

Nature's Gourmet Trailside "Weed": Purslane

Purslane Flourishes Along The Edge of this Urban Trail in Troy, Michigan.
photo by Jonathan Schechter
August 1, 2012

Purslane is a wonderfully nutritious tasty succulent 'weed' that many consider the gourmet plant of sidewalk cracks and the  dry edges of paved trails; two places it flourishes in the heat of summer.
It grows well in direct sun and and thrives with the trickles of water that run off the pavement. 
But before you snack on this wonder of nature, a native of the Indian sub-Continent know this:

1. Never gather where chemicals are used on lawns.
2.  First  taste samples should be in small amounts.
3. Wash first if in an urban area.

Research indicates that the fresh leaves of this plant contain more Omega-3 fatty acids than other leafy veggies
and it is also rich in fiber and a host of minerals and vitamins.  
My personal research shows that it tastes good too!

Although some of my wild edibles cohorts are not fond of this plant, I like its slightly sour taste and have on several occasions mixed chopped up leaves of purslane in early summer with the sweet orange petals of the day lily.

If raw wilds are not your thing,  or its late in the summer try steaming it like spinach.
Eat hearty my friend and stay healthy!
Nature is full of gifts for us.
Go find them!


  1. Jonathon, I've got a whole back yard full of that. Bring over a bottle of vinagrette!- Matt

  2. You got that right Matt! It's the season of wild summer salads!

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