
Sunday, March 31, 2013

NATURE GONE WILD: When the Easter Bunny Meets April Fool's Day!

photos by Jonathan Schechter
 Spring is almost two weeks old but our landscape remains more barren than green.
For rabbits that makes no difference for only two things are on their minds.
1: Avoiding hungry great horned owls, red-tailed hawks, coyotes and fox.
Late March is a bit early for rabbits to be nesting but one rabbit has been 
incubating her eggs for nearly three weeks on a nest of straw near the foundation
 of my house. When it snowed she stayed put and kept her eggs warm.
 Finally, with a few  juicy apple bits to lure this soon to be motherly 
rabbit off her nest a few days ago I was able to photograph her eggs.
.  Looks like two baby Easter Bunnies will be great the lst day of April!

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