
Thursday, April 7, 2011

TEL DAN NATURE RESERVE: a gem of history and nature in northern Israel

The Dan Nature Reserve is only 120 acres but holds the key to much of the early history of Israel with ruins dating back to  eighteen centurys before Christ.  Springs that feed rivers, fig trees and pistachio trees that dot the landscape and trenches that served the Israel Defense Forces until the Six Day War of 1967 can all be seen by visitors. Trails meander the hills of the reserve and help tell the story of people that 7,000 years ago chose a small hill above a spring and beneath a mountain and called it home.
                                        (All photos by Jonathan Schechter. April, 2011)
Creatures great and small fall under the protection of Israel Nature and Parks Authority

The icy cold and clean Dan water feeds the Jordan River and Sea of Galilee. 

The kingfisher is one of the most beautiful birds of the reserve
Front line trenches now look out over the peaceful lower slopes of the Galilee
Water flows underground from the upper slopes of Mt Hermon and emerges in the nature reserve.
Historical signs tell the tale of war, conflicts, religion and water
Christians pray at the site of the ruins of the ancient City of Dan.
Tourists, school groups and religious gatherings are common at the Israelite Gate of Dan
Part of the walls from the time of the first temple remain at Dan
Israeli teenages often arrive on school tours.
Some of the oldest artifacts found in Israel have been uncovered at Dan

The sign says it all, especially when the Dan River is swift and cold.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures! What a beautiful and historic place.
